





已有 1533 次阅读2010-9-27 00:30


[办理时间: 09年1月19日;   办理地点:Bordeaux (波尔多)]

首先,要在网上填写申请表: http://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk/ApplyNow.aspx

当时填了好久,因为办EEA family permit会被问很多关于两个人的问题  (也许一般的访问签证问题会少一些)。 填的时候需要至少以下信息: 护照上的个人信息,到英国后居住的地址,行程安排等。 弄完后把表格打印出来。

费用: 办EEA family permit是免费的; 短期访问签证要65英镑(半年),长期的要205镑 (1年到10年)。

方式: 只能选in person (亲自去办理), 不能通过邮寄。

地点: 有巴黎、波尔多和马赛三个地方,选一个最方便自己的就好了。

这一步弄完后会收到一封邮件, 里面有你的Application Number(申请号)和你需要提供的材料.


* completed application form VAF1
* your current passport
* your old passport or a copy of it
* one recent passport photograph (not more than six months old)
* original Carte de Sejour or ID card plus a photocopy
* your original birth certificate

(下面这几项是因为申请EEA family permit的条件是法国人和配偶将一起去英国)

* your spouse's passport or identity card
* evidence of your sponsors employment or intended employment in theUK, for example a contract or offer of employment, salary slips, etc.          (不适用于我们的情况, 所以没有提供)
* your original marriage certificate   (我那时候是PACS而不是结婚, 连PACS的certificate都还没拿到, 所以就提供了PACS的recepisse及合同的原件和复印件)

[ 另外, 虽然没要求, 但我还准备了两个人的飞机票和旅馆证明,最近三个月的银行帐单,EDF的原件和复印件 (后两个上面有我们的地址, 可证明我们一起生活).  ]



约完时间会收到一封邮件确认.    ( 以后也可以取消或改期的. )

我1月6日那天预约到13号早上11:30的.  但那天因为火车晚点的缘故, 我十二点多才到签证申请中心--不过人家说没关系, 反正那时候也没其他人办理.  

工作人员一边翻看我的材料一边在电脑上打字什么的.  她问我有没有工作或者读书 (有的话要给证明). 我说, 都没有. 然后她说, 你怎么拿的是学生居留却没读书. 我说, 刚上完语言课,还没报下一个,所以没有学生证明.

后来还拍了一张大头照, 按了一下手印.  她整理完了材料后把它们放在一个白色大信封里密封好交给我(不能打开的).   然后我就离开了.

之后, 我按她说的, 去最近的邮局买了两个chronopost信封(好像21欧一个) -- 一个写巴黎的签证中心的地址, 另一个写自己家的地址 (大家最好把这个信封的号码记下来以便以后网上查询). 把后者和白色大信封放进前者里面, 然后寄出.

第二天, chronopost网站上显示的状态是: 到了巴黎的签证中心。之后天天上签证中心的系统查状态, 都是: 到了负责签证的部门。

直到7个工作日后,看到系统上面说他们已经把东西交给chronopost。 然后第二天上午我就收到了护照和签证. 虽然比工作人员说的十个工作日快一点。 但是好像很多地方办EEA family permit都是当场拿的 (比如,比利时).

[大家也可以去巴黎办, 反正波尔多和马赛的最后也得寄去巴黎. 直接去那可以省掉一个chronopost信封. 但可能会超多人而且比较麻烦和费时

法国人的配偶是可以跟着老公去英国生活的, 前提是老公要搬过去 (有没有工作没关系). 办了PACS的人也一样可以. (之前看到有很多人说PACS不可以, 但是官方的回复说是没问题的).  首先要申请六个月的EEA family permit, 到英国后向Home Office申请一个五年的居留卡 -- 在英期间可以工作.

有人说在官方网站上找不到相关的信息, 所以我就在这贴一下啦:

"EEA and Swiss nationals have the right to live and work in the United Kingdom. This is called the right of residence.You will only have the right of residence in the United Kingdom if:
  • you are an EEA or Swiss national; and
  • you are working in the United Kingdom; or
  • you are able to support yourself and your family in the United Kingdom without the help of public funds."

从上面这段话可以知道, 法国籍的人可以去英国生活 (暂时没有工作的话, 只要有钱维持生活就行).

"If you have a right to live the in the United Kingdom, your family may join you. Your family is defined as:

  • your spouse or civil partner;
  • children or grandchildren of you, your spouse or your civil partner who are under 21 years of age or who are dependent upon you; and
  • the parents or grandparents of you, your spouse or your civil partner."

这里说了, 结了婚的和PACS了的人都可以跟着去英国. 以前在一论坛上看到一些外国人争论什么办了PACS的人不能跟着去(还说花了很多钱咨询了英国律师, 得到的答案是在英国只有同性之间的parternship所以英国不会承认法国的异性间的PACS)--不要听这些人说. 我问了home office的人, 他们说是可以的. 我自己也是用PACS申请的EEA family permit (那时还没有结婚)--我都拿了签证去完英国回来了.  所以, 就算是律师说的话也不一定是对的, 最简单且准确的是问官方--给你签证的是官方, 不是律师 (别浪费钱了).

"If your family members are not EEA or Swiss nationals and they are coming to live with you permanently or on a long-term basis, they will need to apply for an EEA family permit before coming to the United Kingdom. The EEA family permit is similar to a visa and is issued by UK Visa Services. Your family members should make an application for an EEA family permit at their nearest British diplomatic post."

这段说, 首先要申请
EEA family permit.

"You and your family members can:

  • accept offers of work;
  • work (whether as an employee or in self-employment);
  • set up a business;
  • manage a company; or
  • set up a local branch of a company.

You will not need to apply for a work permit. Your employer should not discriminate against you because of your nationality in terms of conditions of employment, pay or working conditions."

这段文字说了, 家属是可以工作的,  而且不需要什么work permit

(来自  http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk ... andresponsibilites/)

"Family members who come to the United Kingdom with an EEA national but who are not themselves a national of an EEA country can apply for a residence card, with some exceptions (see Family member residence stamp). The card confirms that person's right of residence under European law. Residence cards are normally valid for five years and take the form of an endorsement that is placed in the holder's passport.

Applications for a residence card should be made using application form EEA2. You can download it from the right side of this page."

这里说,  家属可以拿到五年的居留卡.

"After you have lived in the United Kingdom for a continuous period of five years you can apply for confirmation of your permanent residence.You will need to have been living in the United Kingdom and in employment, self-employment, studying or self-sufficient throughout the five-year period."

