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thtse: It was -12 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to watch youtube on internet.
2022-2-14 00:49 回复|
华夏国际艺苑: 善读书者,有远见。他们知道读书不是唯一的出路,但是是普通人最好的出路。 书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。 读书,可以弥补智慧的不足,修心养性,增长见识,提升能力。 善读书者,有温度、有情趣、会思考,精神丰盈。 ...
2022-2-13 23:06 回复|
thtse: It was -10 degrees Celsius. I lingered home to play game on internet.
2022-2-13 00:45 回复|
华夏国际艺苑: 生活圈子决定你的命运 接近什么样的人就会走什么样的路。
2022-2-12 05:16 回复|
thtse: It was -1 degrees Celsius. After I gained a bag of foods at window set, I sat on a wood bench to eat chicken rice.
2022-2-12 00:17 回复|
华夏国际艺苑: 人,是会变的,圈子也是;情,是会淡的,关系也是。很多时候与其多言,确实不如沉默。
2022-2-11 14:44 回复|
thtse: It was 1 degrees Celsius. Before I sat on a wood bench to eat chicken rice and yogurt, I got a bag of foods at window set.
2022-2-11 00:08 回复|
thtse: It was 6 degrees Celsius. After I acquired a bag of foods at window set, I sat on a wood bench to eat potato chips and hamburger.
2022-2-10 00:26 回复|
华夏国际艺苑: 人活一世,活的是一种心境。 心不静,即使身处桃源,也照样忧愁烦恼。 心静了,哪怕身处闹市,也能悠然自得,不为世俗所累。 真正的平静,不是避开车马喧嚣,而是在心中修篱种菊。 面对万事万物,保持心澄意静的心境 ...
2022-2-9 11:15 回复|
thtse: It was -2 degrees Celsius. Before I sat on a wood bench to eat fried chicken rice, I obtained a bag of foods at window set.
2022-2-9 00:11 回复|
thtse: It was -4 degrees Celsius. I employed desktop to watch youtube on internet at home.
2022-2-8 01:22 回复|
thtse: It was -2 degrees Celsius. I used computer to play game on internet at home.
2022-2-7 00:17 回复|
thtse: It was -10 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to watch youtube on internet.
2022-2-6 00:59 回复|
华夏国际艺苑: 正月初五迎财神
2022-2-5 01:48 回复|
thtse: It was -11 degrees Celsius. After I took a bag of foods at window set, I sat on a wood bench to eat chicken rice.
2022-2-5 00:20 回复|
thtse: It was -9 degrees Celsius and Winter Olympic Games Begin. Before I sat on a wood bench to eat chicken rice, I gained a bag of foods at window set.
2022-2-4 00:31 回复|
华夏国际艺苑: 日常交往中我们会遇上这样的情况:和我们交好的人,遇到难解的事需要抉择。 这种时候, 我们可以给出意见,分析利弊,真心诚意地去为对方着想。但千万不要替对方下任何决定。 这就是代替定律。 关系再好,也别替人做 ...
2022-2-3 23:30 回复|
thtse: It was 1 degrees Celsius. After I acquired a bag of foods at window set, I sat on a wood bench to eat meatball rice.
2022-2-3 00:18 回复|
华夏国际艺苑: 好花半开,美酒微醉。 曾国藩很喜欢“花未全开、月未圆”七个字,认为是惜福之道。 花一旦全开,马上就要凋谢了;月一旦全圆,马上就要缺损了。而未全开,未全圆,让人仍然有所期待,有所憧憬。 人要有节制、有收敛 ...
2022-2-2 23:31 回复|
华夏国际艺苑: 世间千般纷扰,唯有安静,才能去躁养心。 静,是看淡了外界虚名浮利的诱惑,也是丰盈内心世界的良方。
2022-2-2 00:45 回复|