



  • ascète
  • ascète
    作品 13收听 0
    口语最大收获来自背,Nico感兴趣的剧本抄再加录音反复模,使语音语法地道。绝对奠定强大基础。再找机会多练习,大学周围留学生和路上游客都是补捉对象,有问题听不懂,不妨多问几人。既练听力又练胆量。在国外就这样做,效果好。 --张岳


已有 146 次阅读2012-3-29 10:26

Title: Untitled 
Fandom: Pays-Bas 
Pairing: Vincent/Théo 
Rating: PG 
Summary: A reminder.

必须再将热情延伸到办公时间之外,成为某种艺术某种静态心灵去感应作品鉴赏的聆听的常客。不时地读一读就会进入一种状态,到那里去,更把它们永久存放在工作空间会受益良多。进入那种走马灯式的联想浮生状态就是一种神性的修炼。words fail me. Alone, one is sure to perish. Only with another can one be saved. The very best and most effective medicine is still love and a home. It speaks a symbolic language through color itself. 在作品中疯狂想表达出情感,cavalierly轻慢的对待。正是因为还没达到我想要的好,我才坚持要push on!梵高,半路出家却疯狂地想向大师们表达出这位画家非常的努力非常的想让人感受到画里的情感精神。为什么不去追求游戏别人设计好的轨迹,因为棋盘生活,哦,精神和真知,paint life as we feel it ourselves,最深刻的东西要我们用生命用流淌的近乎静止的时间与长河般的思想去体会出来。They are healthy stuff, clears the mind, and makes you in your world and not spin other relatives or parents.后来他想的出神,he dreams,dreams, and his brush begins to paint his own portrait again, 恍惚间-多么美妙的字眼。但却是完全凭着记忆。明亮的色彩,加上趁热打铁!多么希望美妙的附体之感延续延续不要悄悄溜走!So many days pass without me saying a word to anyone, except to order a supper or a coffee.It's been like that from the start.For my part, it worries me to spend so much time by myself, alone.为了迎接某人,会很精心地装饰下自己的空间。focus on my work, in preparation for the great woman or moment's arrival-even to curtail some of my favourite pursuits.Painting and screwing around a lot aren't compatible-the later it weakens the brain, and that's what's really so dammed annoying.I'd prefer to be cloistered up like the monks.调侃刺中自己的弱点:free to go to the brothel, just like the monks,or to the wine(manga)shop, if my heart chooses to!since my illness of lonliness takes hold of me in the huts, in such a fearsome way that I hesitate to go out. With time through, that will change,it's only in front of the easel while painting that I feel a little of life. I feel that it's the fate I am accepting and which will not change any more. Sometimes, liability or weakness on support is like a poison, in deep fear of being exiled. depend on myself will conquer the danger to me. Not consider the attribution or destination of my work is selfish and mean, yet it bites you at the end. only by conquering the sale of yourself and tasting the hardship, one can grow up really. And handshakes in thought. Yours truly.