




留法申请攻略| 法国前五高商ESSAYS题目汇总及浅析

已有 23 次阅读2018-8-13 04:29


1. Describe, in descending order, your 3 most important interests. Justify your answer. (1000 characters spacing included)
2. Which personal achievement are you most proud of (studies, professional life, sports etc.)? (1000 characters spacing included)
3. Please describe a situation where you failed and what you have learned from it. (1000 characters spacing included)
4. Do you have any work or internship experience? If yes, please give us an account of your last work/internship experience (accomplishments, what you have learned). (1000 characters spacing included)
5. What are your reasons for choosing this program? (1000 characters spacing included)
6. Please describe your short-term career goals. (1000 characters spacing included)
7. Are you applying to other programs than those of HEC Paris? If yes, please state to which programs other than those of HEC Paris you are applying and why? (1000 characters spacing included)
8. Is there any additional information you would like to share with us? (1000 characters spacing included)

1. Tell us about one of your experiences that best illustrates the values you believe in? (maximum 500 words)
Décrivez une de vos expériences qui reflète le mieux les valeurs auxquelles vous croyez (500 mots maximum)Required
2. What are your main motivations for applyingto the GBBA program at ESSEC Business School ? (maximum 300 words)
Quelles sont vos principalesmotivations pour postuler au GBBA ? (300 motsmaximum)Required

1. International Experience: please comment on an international/multicultural experience that has influenced you in particular and explain why (200 words maximum).
2. Work Experience: please comment on your most significant work experience related to the field of the programme for which your are applying (200 words maximum).

3. Work Experience: please comment on your most significant work experience related to the field of the programme for which your are applying (200 words maximum).

1. Explain a significant event and/or experience outside your home country or in an international context.

2. Describe your career objectives. How do you plan to achieve them?

3. What are your specific expectations from the MSC in Sports Industry Management programme?

1. Which personal achievements are you most proud of ? (500 characters maximum)
2. Describe a situation where you faced failure, what lessons did you learn from it? (500 characters maximum)
3. How does your application benefit the 5 member schools? (500 characters maximum)
4. Did you take part in any extra-curricular activity these past years? ( hobby, non-profit, sport etc..) (500 characters maximum)
5. Have you carried out any in-company training periods or worked part or full-time? If so, please give details of the jobs and positions held (name of firms or organisations, dates of employment, etc.) in chronological order (1000 characters maximum)

以上是TOP4单申请和SAI的Essays, 从学校的问题来看,Essays的主要关注点还是在于学生过去经历,个人背景,语言表达能力,以及情商。


对于高商的Essays部分,我们可以从上述问题中看出,几乎每个问题都是有明确的字数要求的。 Essays 中不仅体现申请者的逻辑思维,表达能力,还要在有限的字数中突出个人的特质与亮点,这无疑是对申请者的一个考验。

尤其像ESSEC这种学校对于文书的要求比较高,甚至关于推荐人的信息,材料的寄送方式都有明确的要求。从往年的申请经历来看, ESSEC申请中文书的占比是比较重的,通常能拿到面试OFFER的学生,在申请过程中就已经成功了一大半。

